Dynamic ActiveRecord columns

When dealing with any kind of data transmission, the problem almost always boils down to the amount of data being sent. Engineers can optimize the speed of the wire and the compression of the data, but at the end of the day sending fewer things is almost always going to yield the biggest gains.

We see this discussed in web programming all the time with regard to the frontend of the application. Tools like webpack and rollup are pushing more and more toward code splitting as an effective way of improving initial page load times (i.e., sending less JavaScript down to the client until they actually need it for execution).

This post, however, is about backend technology. Specifically, it’s about sending less data over the wire when selecting data from the application database. Even more specifically, in Ruby on Rails applications the ActiveRecord ORM allows us to generate SQL queries. This tool is a sharp knife that can very easily end up selecting way more data than we need, resulting in large numbers of allocations, fragmentation, and overall memory bloat. One way to combat this is to use a feature of ActiveRecord that involves dynamically creating columns in result hashes.

Joining strings

As a place to start looking at this technique, let’s say we have a User class with first_name and last_name columns. We want a list of the full names of every user in the system, by combining the first and last names of every user into a full_name string. We can perform this in ruby just fine by running:

User.all.map do |user|
  "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"

This works well and achieves our result, but at the cost of way more memory than we needed. The problem is, User.all by default will generate a query that looks like:

SELECT "users".* FROM "users"

That * is the dangerous part. It tells the database to return every column that exists on the users table. Each of those columns is then returned to ActiveRecord, which dutifully converts each of them into ruby objects that each require their own allocations. ActiveRecord then returns the resulting allocated User instances back to us as an array. Once we have it back, we then only use a tiny amount of the allocated memory to perform the task that we actually need to perform.

Remember what we said at the beginning:

sending fewer things is almost always going to yield the biggest gains

Let’s rewrite the query to send fewer things back to us and then work backward from there. Since we only need the first_name and last_name columns, let’s select only those columns:

SELECT "users"."first_name", "users"."last_name" FROM "users"

We can perform the exact same mapping as before, and this time we’ve required less data (proportional to the number of columns on the users table) to be sent back from the database. We can achieve this by modifying our Relation with the select method, as in:

User.select(:first_name, :last_name).map do |user|
  "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"

One small caveat to the above approach: it works in this example because we’re only referencing the first_name and last_name attributes out of the resulting User objects. If we were to instead reference an attribute that we didn’t select (e.g., admin) then it would raise an error complaining about missing the attribute, as in:

ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError (missing attribute: admin)

Dynamic columns

We can do better than the above query though, by performing the string joining in the SQL query itself. One nice feature of ActiveRecord is that when it encounters a column in a response from a database query that is not contained in the table that maps to the object performing the query, it treats it as it would any other column. This means we can do the following:

users = User.arel_table
concat =
    [users[:first_name], Arel::Nodes.build_quoted(' '), users[:last_name]]

# => SELECT CONCAT("users"."first_name", ' ', "users"."last_name") AS full_name FROM "users"

A couple of things are going on here worth discussing:

As a best practice, I like to write the actual definition of the method on the class as well so it looks less like magic. In order to mirror the behavior of missing attributes above, I tend to write methods like the following:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  def full_name
    return read_attribute(:full_name) if has_attribute?(:full_name)

    raise ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError, 'missing attribute: full_name'

This can be further simplified with a little metaprogramming, as in the following:

module Ext
  module AttrDynamic
    def attr_dynamic(*names)
      names.each do |name|


    def define_attr_dynamic(name)
      define_method(name) do
        return read_attribute(name) if has_attribute?(name)

        raise ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError, "missing attribute: #{name}"


Now I can go back into my User class and just call the attr_dynamic method, as in:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_dynamic :full_name

This indicates to future developers that this column is a dynamically-defined column that may or may not be present based on the manner in which the User was selected, and so they should not be surprised when the full_name method is referenced later in the code.


This approach really shines when getting counts of a parent-child table relationship. Let’s take as an example an app with users and posts:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :posts

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

Let’s say we want to know the number of posts by each user within a list of users, for instance on the admin page. In this case we could go and perform a count for each user:

User.all.map do |user|

Immediately some combination of your tooling (for instance the bullet gem) or your coworkers should point out that this will result in an N+1 query problem (in that you make one query for the users and then one more for every users’ posts). You can see it in your logs as:

User Load (13.8ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
 (36.8ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", 1]]
 (0.8ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", 2]]
 (0.4ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", 3]]

So, you’ll go into your code and add the appropriate eager-loading, just as your tooling and coworkers are telling you to:

User.includes(:posts).map do |user|

Now when you rerun the code you’ll only get two generated queries, one select query from the users table and one select query with a massive IN statement for the posts table:

User Load (3.0ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
  Post Load (1.7ms)  SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, ...)  [["user_id", 1], ["user_id", 2], ["user_id", 3], ["user_id", 4], ["user_id", 5], ...]

This works, but think about all of that data that you didn’t need to send back. You selected "posts".*, which likely includes a full text column, and you only needed a count. Let’s apply the same technique we did above to cut down on all that waste:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :posts

  # Using `attr_dynamic` here from the above code example
  attr_dynamic :posts_count

  scope :with_posts_count, lambda {
    select(arel_table[Arel.star], Post.arel_table[:id].count.as('posts_count'))

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

Now we can run achieve the same effect as above using both more readable and performant code, as in:

# => SELECT "users".*, COUNT("posts"."id") AS posts_count FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id" GROUP BY "users"."id"

This results in an understandable named scope returning a column that is read from a method, all with minimal code and maximal performance.


It would be a little misleading to end the post here, without attaching a slight bit of warning. There are times when dynamic columns are appropriate and times when they aren’t, and those times are almost exclusively going to determined through measurement. I would check out memory_profiler and ruby-prof, both are excellent tools for measuring the impact of code on memory and performance.

Additionally, you can and should measure the performance of your database. This post has discussed sending too much information back, which is a measurable quantity. To find out how, check your respective databases’ documentation. There are great ecosystems around all of the popular options (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.).

Also as an aside, most of the examples above could be even further optimized with some combinations of select_values/pluck. I’m assuming you have other things to do with the objects in your view layer besides just getting counts, which is why I’ve stuck with returning ActiveRecord::Base instances.

Finally, GROUP BY as in the last example has its own performance implications, and will largely depend on your schema and the indices you have in place. As always, measure before you go wildly changing code. In general speed and memory are an inverse correlation, so it will also depend on what is important to you and your business/application.


ActiveRecord is a powerful tool that in inexperienced hands can select far more data than necessary. You can tell it to create method names from dynamic column definitions using SQL strings or Arel. These dynamic methods can drastically cut down on the amount of memory allocated both by ruby and by your database.

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