Advent of YARV: Part 6 - Calling methods (1)

This blog series is about how the CRuby virtual machine works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is the first of two posts about calling methods.

Method calls are everywhere in Ruby. Even things that don’t look like method calls are method calls. The following are all examples:

Source Receiver Method Arguments
foo self foo []
foo? self foo? []
foo! self foo! []
foo.() foo call []
foo[bar] foo [] [bar]
foo[bar] = baz foo []= [bar, baz]
foo bar self foo [bar] foo bar []
foo::bar foo bar []
foo&.bar foo bar []
foo + bar foo + [bar]
foo += bar foo + [bar]
foo << bar foo << [bar]
!foo foo ! []

… and many more. Every one of the examples above maps to the send instruction1, which is what we will talk about today. There is a lot of material to cover here, and quite a few concepts to introduce. Bear with me while we slog through the technical details, and you’ll be rewarded with some interesting insights into Ruby’s internals. You’ll also get some nice diagrams at the end of the post to help elucidate everything you just learned. Let’s get started.


First, let’s talk about the structure of the instruction. The first operand is a call data structure (which we introduced in yesterday’s post). It contains all of the information about the call site like the method name, number of arguments, various boolean flags, and keyword arguments.

The second operand is an optional pointer to an instruction sequence that corresponds to a block. If a block was given at the call site, the operand will be present. If it was not, the operand will be nil. This is the first instruction we’ve seen that potentially accepts a pointer to an instruction sequence as an operand, but it will not be the last.

Accepting an instruction sequence as an operand immediately indicates a couple of things. The first is that when this instruction is executed, either:

The other thing that this indicates is that the instruction will handle the stack pointer in a special way. In every instruction that we’ve seen so far in this blog series (except the leave instruction), the stack pointer has been handled in the same way: the instruction pops the operands off the stack, performs some operation, and pushes the result back onto the stack. This is the default behavior for instructions that do not accept an instruction sequence as an operand.2 For instructions that do accept one, it is expected that they will manually manipulate the stack pointer in some way.

Method types

When you’re calling a method, the first thing the VM is going to do it look the method up. It does this by starting at the singleton class of the receiver and walking up the inheritance chain until it finds a method with the same name as the one you’re calling. If it doesn’t find one, it will then do the same walk looking for the definition of method_missing. method_missing is defined on BasicObject which is the top of the inheritance chain, so this is always guaranteed to find a method.3

Once the method has been found, the VM is going to look up the method type.4 Each method type has a specific calling convention that the VM will use to call the method, so the VM need this information to know how to set up the call. We’re not going to discuss every method type in this post (actually we’re only going to talk about one of them), but for completeness, here is the list of all of the different kinds of methods that the VM can call:

methods defined in Ruby
methods defined in C
instance variable writer methods defined through attr_writer or attr_accessor
instance variable reader methods defined through attr_reader or attr_accessor
methods defined through a block (e.g., through the define_method method)
method calls to super that forward all arguments
methods that are aliases of other methods
methods that have been undefined
methods that are not implemented on account of the system they were compiled on not providing the necessary functionality
internally optimized methods like Kernel#send and Proc#call
the method_missing method
methods that are refined due to refinements and scope

Once the method has been found, the visibility of the method will be checked. If the method is allowed to be called by the caller, then the next step is to set up the arguments and frame to call the method. This is where the method type comes into play. For our purposes, we will only discuss the VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ method type today, which is the method type for methods defined in Ruby.


We need to make a quick distinction here before going on. In this series, we’re going to use the term “arguments” to indicate values that are being passed to methods, and “parameters” to mean the names of those values as defined by the method definition. The job of the VM at this point is to take the arguments and set them up in the way that the called method expects them to be on the stack. This depends on the definition of the parameters.

Like methods, there are many kinds of parameters in Ruby. Each one has different expectations about the stack and impacts how the arguments are set up. Today, we will only be discussing the first of them, but for completeness here are all the kinds of parameters that can be defined in Ruby:

positional parameters that are defined at the beginning of the parameter list and have no optional value (e.g., def foo(bar))
Required (destructured)
positional parameters that are defined at the beginning of the parameter list and have no optional value, but are destructured into multiple variables (e.g., def foo((bar, baz)))
positional parameters that have an optional value (e.g., def foo(bar = 1))
positional parameters that take the rest of the arguments using the * operator (e.g., def foo(*bar))
positional parameters that are defined after the rest parameter (e.g., def foo(*bar, baz))
Post (destructured)
positional parameters that are defined after the rest parameter and are destructured into multiple variables (e.g., def foo(*bar, (baz, qux)))
required keyword parameters (e.g., def foo(bar:))
Optional keyword (static value)
optional keyword parameters whose default value is the same every time (e.g., an integer) (e.g., def foo(bar: 1))
Optional keyword (dynamic value)
optional keyword parameters whose default value can change (e.g., a method call) (e.g., def foo(bar: baz))
Keyword rest
keyword parameters that take the rest of the arguments using the ** operator (e.g., def foo(**bar))
a block parameter (e.g., def foo(&bar))
a forwarding parameter (e.g., def foo(...))

Today we will be talking exclusively about the first and simplest of these types: required parameters.

Pushing frames

Now that we’ve got our method and checked its visibility, it’s time to actually call it. Provided it only has required parameters, the expectation is that the order of the stack will be from bottom to top:

The VM is going to first push a new method frame onto the frame stack for the method that is being called. The frame contains a pointer to the instruction sequence associated with the method definition. The VM then lowers the stack pointer for the current frame to be just below the receiver of the method. This ensures that when the leave instruction is executed and it is writing the return value back to the stack, it will write into the slot currently occupied by the receiver.

This is the special way of handling the stack pointer that we discussed earlier. It’s important that the values aren’t entirely popped off the stack until after the frame has been executed, since the arguments still need to be available to the method.

The instruction sequence for the method is then evaluated. Arguments to the method are now effectively invisible to the calling frame because the stack pointer points to a slot lower on the stack. This allows the callee frame to treat them as if they were local variables. Once the leave instruction is executed, the return value is written back to the stack, the frame is popped off the frame stack, and the send instruction finishes executing.


That was a lot of information in just text. Let’s look at some diagrams to help illustrate the concepts we just discussed. If you recall from the previous posts, in all of the examples where we showed the stack, we also included an arrow to the next empty slot. This arrow is actually the stack pointer for the top frame. In those examples, we omitted the environment pointer, but we’ll include it here now. Let’s take a look at a very contrived example:

def add32(value)
  value + 32

def celsius2fahrenheit(value)
  factor = 1.8
  add32(value * factor)


Let’s walk through what the value stack and frame stack look like up to the point where we make the first method call (to celsius2fahrenheit). First, let’s disassemble just the top-level instruction sequence so that we can see the instructions. Don’t worry about the implementation of the instructions we don’t know yet, we’re going to gloss over a couple of details and come back later in the series once we’ve seen them.

== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@test.rb:1 (1,0)-(10,23)> (catch: false)
0000 definemethod                           :add32, add32             (   1)[Li]
0003 definemethod                           :celsius2fahrenheit, celsius2fahrenheit(   5)[Li]
0006 putself                                                          (  10)[Li]
0007 putobject                              100
0009 send                                   <calldata!mid:celsius2fahrenheit, argc:1, FCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, nil
0012 leave

Now that we’ve disassembled, let’s trace the frame and value stacks through the execution of this instruction sequence right up to the point where the first method is called.

Stacks up to the first method call

The left column is the frame stack. The right column is the value stack. Notice that the <main> frame has two pointers. The one on top is the stack pointer for the next slot to write to. The one on the bottom is the environment pointer representing the base of the frame. We’ve made the pointers point between slots on the stack because semantically they’re pointing to an offset. If you were to write to one of the pointers, it would overwrite the slot just above it.

Next, we’re going to execute the send instruction. First, this is going to pop the receiver and arguments off the stack (by changing where the stack pointer is). Then, this will push a frame onto the frame stack when we call celsius2fahrenheit. The instruction sequence for that method will then be executed. Let’s disassemble it first:

== disasm: #<ISeq:celsius2fahrenheit@test.rb:5 (5,0)-(8,3)> (catch: false)
local table (size: 2, argc: 1 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
[ 2] value@0<Arg>[ 1] factor@1
0000 putobject                              1.8                       (   6)[LiCa]
0002 setlocal                               factor@1, 0
0005 putself                                                          (   7)[Li]
0006 getlocal                               value@0, 0
0009 getlocal                               factor@1, 0
0012 send                                   <calldata!mid:*, argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE>, nil
0015 send                                   <calldata!mid:add32, argc:1, FCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, nil
0018 leave                                                            (   8)[Re]

Now let’s continue our diagrams up to the point where add32 is called.

Stacks up to the second method call

At this point we have two frames on the frame stack, and our value stack is all set up to call add32 via the send instruction. First, let’s disassemble that method to see the instructions.

== disasm: #<ISeq:add32@test.rb:1 (1,0)-(3,3)> (catch: false)
local table (size: 1, argc: 1 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
[ 1] value@0<Arg>
0000 getlocal                               value@0, 0                (   2)[LiCa]
0003 putobject                              32
0005 send                                   <calldata!mid:+, argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE>, nil
0008 leave                                                            (   3)[Re]

Next, let’s walk through the modifications to the frame and value stack as we execute the instructions for add32 just up to the point where the leave instruction will be executed.

Stacks before the first leave

At this point, we’re about to execute our first leave instruction. This will pop the add32 frame off the frame stack, pop the return value off the value stack, and write the return value to the parent frame’s stack pointer. Below is an illustration that shows the frame and value stacks after that leave instruction has been executed.

Stacks after the first leave

Notice that this actually increased the stack pointer of the parent frame. This is why the leave instruction is said to both push and pop a value from the stack. It does, it’s just not at the same point. Now let’s execute the second leave.

Stacks after the second leave

Again, the parent frame (in this case the <main> frame) has its stack pointer increased. This is because the leave instruction is pushing a value of 212 onto the stack. The last instruction to execute is the final leave instruction, which finishes the execution of the program.

Wrapping up

In this post, we’ve seen how the frame and value stacks work together to execute method calls using the send instruction. We discussed only a small subset of the combination of methods and parameters (methods defined in Ruby with required parameters), but laid the foundation for the other kinds of parameters we’ll see in the future. Some things to remember from this post:

Next time, we’ll take a look at all of the different specializations of the send instruction.

  1. Because the send instruction is so prevalent, there are many specializations of it. We’ll talk about all of those in the next post. In the meantime, we’ll pretend we’ve turned off all optimizations. 

  2. In CRuby you can find an attribute pragma in insns.def called handles_sp that indicates whether an instruction handles the stack pointer itself versus the default behavior. This attribute defaults to true if the instruction can have an instruction sequence as an operand, like the send instruction. 

  3. There are myriad inline caches and fast paths that can be taken here to optimize method lookup, but we’re ignoring those for the purposes of this post. The implementation of those alone could be an entire other series. 

  4. In YARV, the method type corresponds to the rb_method_type_t enum. 

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