Advent of YARV: Part 20 - Catch tables

This blog series is about how the CRuby virtual machine works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about catch tables.

At this point in the series we’ve looked at the instructions that implement most of the keywords in Ruby language. We’ve seen conditionals like if and unless, loops like while and until, declarations like class, module, and def, and many others. What we haven’t seen yet are the keywords that correspond to control structures that deal with exceptions. This includes:

As it turns out, all of these keywords are implemented with a single instruction: throw. This very powerful instruction has a long history from the Java virtual machine, with some differences. To see how this all works, we need to talk about catch tables.

Catch tables

Every instruction sequence that we’ve seen so far has a catch table attached to it. A catch table contains entries corresponding to different kinds of exceptions, and handles them accordingly. You can think of them roughly as an instruction sequence’s rescue clause. Let’s look at an example:


Consider the code above. When we execute the send corresponding to the foo method call, it could potentially raise an error. If it does, we want to jump directly to the putobject that corresponds to pushing the false onto the stack. This sounds similar to the instructions we introduced with branching, but requires something a little more powerful. Where before we were only branching within the current instruction sequence, now we can branch to a completely different instruction sequence. This is where catch tables come in.

== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@test.rb:1 (1,0)-(6,3)> (catch: true)
== catch table
| catch type: rescue st: 0000 ed: 0006 sp: 0000 cont: 0007
| == disasm: #<ISeq:rescue in <main>@test.rb:4 (4,0)-(5,7)> (catch: true)
| local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
| [ 1] $!@0
| 0000 getlocal_WC_0                          $!@0                      (   5)
| 0002 putobject                              StandardError
| 0004 checkmatch                             3
| 0006 branchunless                           11
| 0008 putobject                              false[Li]
| 0010 leave
| 0011 getlocal_WC_0                          $!@0
| 0013 throw                                  0
| catch type: retry  st: 0006 ed: 0007 sp: 0000 cont: 0000
0000 putself                                                          (   2)[Li]
0001 opt_send_without_block                 <calldata!mid:foo, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>
0003 pop
0004 putobject                              true                      (   3)[Li]
0006 nop                                                              (   1)
0007 leave                                                            (   3)

The code example above disassembles into the YARV instruction sequences seen here. You’ll notice that the main instruction sequence has the statement catch: true. This indicates that there are entries in its catch table. In this case it has two entries: one for rescue and one for retry. A catch table entry has the following fields:

struct iseq_catch_table_entry {
  enum rb_catch_type type;
  rb_iseq_t *iseq;

  unsigned int start;
  unsigned int end;
  unsigned int cont;
  unsigned int sp;

Each entry has a type, an optional instruction sequence pointer, and four integers. The integers indicate how the catch table entry should recover from the thrown error. The start and end fields indicate the range of instructions that the catch table entry applies to. The cont field indicates the instruction that should be executed after the catch table entry has been executed. The sp field indicates the stack pointer that should be used after the catch table entry has been executed. When the catch table entry is found to be applicable, the VM will jump to the instruction indicated by cont and set the stack pointer to the value indicated by sp.

If the catch table entry is a rescue or ensure type, then it has its own instruction sequence attached that should be executed. These entries will push a new frame (of rescue or ensure type) onto the stack frame to execute these instruction sequences.

If the catch table entry is a break type, then it will use the instruction sequence pointer to determine which frame to walk back to. This is used to implement the break keyword.

Other catch table entries will not have an instruction sequence pointer, and will just use their cont and sp fields to determine how to recover from the thrown error.


Let’s look at a couple of examples of catch table entries compiled into instruction sequences.


In Ruby:



== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@test.rb:1 (1,0)-(8,3)> (catch: true)
== catch table
| catch type: rescue st: 0000 ed: 0006 sp: 0000 cont: 0007
| == disasm: #<ISeq:rescue in <main>@test.rb:4 (4,0)-(5,7)> (catch: true)
| local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
| [ 1] $!@0
| 0000 getlocal_WC_0                          $!@0                      (   5)
| 0002 putobject                              StandardError
| 0004 checkmatch                             3
| 0006 branchunless                           11
| 0008 putobject                              false[Li]
| 0010 leave
| 0011 getlocal_WC_0                          $!@0
| 0013 throw                                  0
| catch type: retry  st: 0006 ed: 0007 sp: 0000 cont: 0000
| catch type: ensure st: 0000 ed: 0007 sp: 0001 cont: 0011
| == disasm: #<ISeq:ensure in <main>@test.rb:7 (7,2)-(7,9)> (catch: true)
| local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
| [ 1] $!@0
| 0000 putself                                                          (   7)[Li]
| 0001 opt_send_without_block                 <calldata!mid:cleanup, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>
| 0003 pop
| 0004 getlocal_WC_0                          $!@0
| 0006 throw                                  0
0000 putself                                                          (   2)[Li]
0001 opt_send_without_block                 <calldata!mid:foo, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>
0003 pop
0004 putobject                              true                      (   3)[Li]
0006 nop                                                              (   4)
0007 putself                                                          (   7)[Li]
0008 opt_send_without_block                 <calldata!mid:cleanup, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>
0010 pop
0011 leave                                                            (   3)

This is the same example as above with the addition of the ensure clause. The catch table has a rescue entry that applies to the putself instruction up to the nop instruction. When an exception is caught it will execute the nested instruction sequence. That instruction sequence will check if the exception is a StandardError and if so, push false onto the stack and return. Otherwise, it will rethrow the exception.


You can see in the example that the catch table also has an entry for retry. This entry indicates that it only applies to the nop to leave instructions (so this won’t actually happen). If it were to happen, it would jump back to the putself instruction at offset 0.


There is also a catch table entry in the example above of the ensure type. It indicates that it applies from the putself up to the subsequent putself. This code will be executed even if an exception is raised.


In Ruby:

[1, 2, 3].each do |value|
  break if value == 2


== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@test.rb:1 (1,0)-(3,3)> (catch: true)
== catch table
| catch type: break  st: 0000 ed: 0005 sp: 0000 cont: 0005
| == disasm: #<ISeq:block in <main>@test.rb:1 (1,15)-(3,3)> (catch: true)
| == catch table
| | catch type: redo   st: 0001 ed: 0014 sp: 0000 cont: 0001
| | catch type: next   st: 0001 ed: 0014 sp: 0000 cont: 0014
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------
| local table (size: 1, argc: 1 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
| [ 1] value@0<Arg>
| 0000 nop                                                              (   1)[Bc]
| 0001 getlocal_WC_0                          value@0                   (   2)[Li]
| 0003 putobject                              2
| 0005 opt_eq                                 <calldata!mid:==, argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE>[CcCr]
| 0007 branchunless                           13
| 0009 putnil
| 0010 throw                                  2
| 0012 leave                                                            (   3)[Br]
| 0013 putnil                                                           (   2)
| 0014 leave                                                            (   3)[Br]
0000 duparray                               [1, 2, 3]                 (   1)[Li]
0002 send                                   <calldata!mid:each, argc:0>, block in <main>
0005 leave

This example has a break entry in the catch table. This entry applies from the nop instruction to the opt_eq instruction. When the break is executed, it will jump to the leave instruction at offset 5 in the parent instruction sequence.


You can see that the nested instruction sequence used to pass to the each block also has its own catch table. This catch table has a redo entry that applies to the getlocal instruction up to the leave instruction. If a redo is executed, it will jump back to the getlocal instruction at offset 1.


You can also see that the nested instruction sequence has a next entry in its catch table. It applies to the getlocal instruction up to the leave instruction. If a next is executed, it will jump to the leave instruction at offset 14.


You may have noticed that in a lot of the examples above, the nop instruction keeps showing up. This operation stands for “no operation” and quite literally does nothing. It has no operands, and neither pushes or pops from either the value or frame stack. It is purely there for padding to allow catch table entries a location to jump to.


Finally, now that we understand the background for the throw instruction, we can discuss the instruction itself. The throw instruction has a single operand which is a number. That number represents both the type of exception to throw and any flags compiled at that location (there is actually only one flag, which is VM_THROW_NO_ESCAPE_FLAG). It pops a single value off the stack which is the value being thrown. It then pushes the result of throwing the exception onto the stack.

The type of exception to throw loosely corresponds to the keyword that caused the instruction to be compiled. It is represented by an enum, with the mapping as follows:

enum ruby_tag_type {
  RUBY_TAG_NONE = 0x0,
  RUBY_TAG_NEXT = 0x3,
  RUBY_TAG_REDO = 0x5,

To truly understand how this instruction works, you can use this enum to decode the kind of exception being thrown and then walk up the frame stack until you find a corresponding entry. The entry will tell you where to jump to. This is what the vm_throw function does in YARV.

Wrapping up

In this post we talked about catch tables and the nop and throw instructions. We saw how Ruby implements error handling and recovering from errors. A couple of things to remember from this post:

In the next post we’ll look at a very esoteric instruction used to implement some very esoteric syntax: the once instruction.

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