2023 Resolutions

In the back of my head, I’ve always had a bunch of open-source projects that I wanted to build if I had the time. This has led to me sporadically working on a wide variety of projects without any real clear direction. This coming year I have decided to try to focus on specific goals in the hopes that it will help me stay more on track and actually complete a project for once. In an effort to be more transparent and maybe incentive others to help me reach them, I’m sharing them here. Without further ado, here are my 2023 open-source resolutions, in their order of priority.

New parser

Fortunately, the first goal is also the thing that Shopify pays me to work on. We want a new parser for the Ruby programming language. I’ve talked about this at length before so won’t dive too much into the reasons now. At a high level, we want a library that can be used by other projects outside of CRuby, we want it to be well-documented and maintainable, and we want it to be error tolerant. I’m hoping to deliver the first alpha version of this library that successfully parses most Ruby code sometime this spring.

This project is housed at Shopify/yarp and is already well on its way. If you’d like to contribute to this effort, I’ve opened up a bunch of issues on the project that are good places to start.

Syntax Tree AST updates

The main open-source project that I maintain is Syntax Tree. This library provides an object layer on top of the Ruby parser. It also provides tools to manipulate that layer and convert it to other formats. This allows formatting, linting, translation, compilation, etc. The syntax tree that Syntax Tree uses is a parse tree. In other words, the tree is representative of the syntax that was found as opposed to the semantics that were implied.

For example, both lines in the following Ruby code has very different syntax but the same exact semantics:

if foo then bar else baz end
foo ? bar : baz

The AST that the new parser uses to represent these two lines is almost the same tree (only the tokens attached to the tree are different). This makes it easier to use for the consumer because you don’t want to have to worry about variations in syntax when you’re trying to compile the tree into your own format.

This year I’d like to make Syntax Tree’s AST match the AST used by Shopify/yarp. This should allow consumers of Syntax Tree to use the new parser without any changes to their code, because the object layer will be the same. To do this, I’ll need to make some breaking changes to Syntax Tree’s AST and release a new major version. This won’t impact the formatting at all, because the output should stay consistent. This is only about changing the internal representation of the tree.

I’m hoping to get this done by the end of the year. That being said, progress can be made on this already since the new parser’s nodes are largely already defined. If you’d like to help out with this effort, I’d love to have your help by opening issues or pull requests on Syntax Tree.

Syntax Tree compilation

Syntax Tree recently gained the ability to represent instruction sequences. It can convert a syntax tree into them, assemble them from a text format, disassemble them into the same format as used by CRuby, and even evaluate them by emulating the CRuby virtual machine. This is extremely powerful for a couple of reasons. Here are a couple of things I’m dreaming of with this functionality:

A lot of this is project is inspired by Ilya Bylich’s my.rb project. In the spirit of that project, I’d like to get the toy VM passing ruby/spec. Here are the steps that are needed to get there:

If you’d like to help me out with this project, pull requests making more specs pass would be dearly appreciated.

Syntax Tree translation

The Ruby ecosystem has developed 3 main syntax trees. Those are:

A while ago when I started Syntax Tree I had the dream of translating the syntax tree used by Syntax Tree into these other syntax trees. (I really shouldn’t have named this library Syntax Tree…) This resulted in ruby-syntax-tree/syntax_tree-translator. This project is still a work in progress, but it is functioning to a certain extent. It finally got to the point where it can actually run a small subset of rubocop rules. This means that we can parse using Syntax Tree, translate into the parser syntax tree, and then run rubocop rules on it.

We want this because when the new parser is complete, it is going to be used by Shopify/ruby-lsp to provide language server functionality. The tree itself is cached in the background of the editor to speed up LSP requests. If we want to run other tools like rubocop or flog, it would be great to not have to reparse the entire file. This is where the translation comes in.

This effort has largely stalled while I’ve worked on other projects. I’d like to get back to it eventually. At the moment it’s running an older version of Syntax Tree and needs to be updated. If you’d like to contribute to this project, I’d love any and all pull requests to update the version of Syntax Tree or get more nodes translated correctly.

Regular expressions

A while ago I started working on a regular expression engine written in just Ruby. That work was written at kddnewton/regular_expression. That project featured a couple of interesting things:

The project was a lot of fun to work on, but had some significant issues. It was using a very naive uncached NFA approach, which has some significant downsides. I’ve learned a lot about regular expressions and their implementations since then, and have consolidated that work into kddnewton/exreg.

I want this project to be completed for a couple of reasons:

To get this project completed, I need to do the following:

Any help on this would be massively appreciated! This is the least likely project to happen this year because of the other priorities above.

Other projects

I’m still going to be maintaining other projects and updating them as their dependencies change. However, I’m going to resisting working on any new features for them. Here are a couple of those projects that I’ll be maintaining:

Wrapping up

I honestly do not know how much of this I’ll be able to get done in the next year. It’s a completely overambitious list of projects. But, it’s out in the open now, so hopefully I’ll be a little more focused this year than I have been in the past. Here’s the dream: if all of these things were able to be completed this year, we would have:

Again, it’s probably overambitious. But it’s definitely fun to dream. As I’ve mentioned multiple times in this post, any help is appreciated.

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