Advent of Prism: Part 2 - Data structures

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is data structures.

Today, we’re going to talk about the nodes that are used to represent the value literal data structures in Ruby. These include arrays, hashes, and ranges. Let’s get into it.


Arrays in Ruby are represented by the ArrayNode node. They come in a couple of varieties. The nodes store a list of elements, an optional source location for their opening token, and an optional source location for their closing token. Here are a couple of examples:

[1, 2, 3]

%w[foo bar baz]    # equivalent to ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
%i[foo bar baz]    # equivalent to [:foo, :bar, :baz]

%W[foo #{bar} baz] # equivalent to ["foo", bar.to_s, "baz"]
%I[foo #{bar} baz] # equivalent to [:foo, bar.to_s.to_sym, :baz]

The first example is a standard array. The next two are array literals that create a set of strings or symbols. The last two are the same except that they also allow interpolation. The ArrayNode node is used to represent all of these.

The ArrayNode can also show up in a somewhat unexpected place: the right-hand side of an assignment. This is because in Ruby you can assign multiple values at once:

foo = 1, 2, 3

Semantically, this is entirely equivalent to foo = [1, 2, 3]. It is effectively an array with missing brackets, which is therefore exactly how it is represented in the syntax tree. (We will cover multiple assignment in a future post, but the important thing to remember is that multiple assignment is triggered by the left-hand side of the assignment, not the right.)

There is also one flag that can be set on array nodes that indicates whether or not there was a splat operator in the array, which is to make life easier on the various compilers that use prism as a frontend. The node itself looks like this in the syntax tree for [1, 2, 3]:

array node


Hash literals in Ruby are represented by the HashNode node. They store a list of elements, the location of their opening token, and the location of their closing token. Here are a couple of examples:

{ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }
{ :foo => 1, :bar => 2, :baz => 3 }
{ FOO => BAR, "baz": 3 }
{ ** }

Regardless of the syntax used to represent the key-value pairs of the hash, they are always stored in one of two kinds of nodes, described below.


The most common key-value pair in a hash is the AssocNode. It stores a key and a value, along with an optional location for the => operator if one was used. The node itself looks like this in the syntax tree for { foo: 1 }:

assoc node


The less common element of a hash is the AssocSplatNode. It stores the location of the ** operator, as well as the expression that follows it. The node itself looks like this in the syntax tree for { **foo }:

assoc splat node

All together

Putting all of the pieces together, here is the syntax tree for { foo: 1, **bar }:

hash node


Ranges in Ruby are represented by the RangeNode node. They store a left and a right, a flag that indicates whether or not the range is inclusive or exclusive, and the location of their operator. Here are a couple of examples:


The .. operator is inclusive, and the ... operator is exclusive. Either side can be excluded to represent an unbounded range, but not both. The node itself looks like this in the syntax tree for 1..10:

range node

Wrapping up

That’s it for today. Today we explored 5 more nodes related to data structures. Here are a couple of things to remember from this post:

In the next post we’ll introduce nodes that read various variables.

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