Advent of Prism: Part 7 - Control-flow

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about control-flow.

Taking a break from writing to variables, today we’re going to look at control-flow constructs. To recap, control-flow refers to the order in which statements are executed by a program. Ruby has many different syntactic patterns that allow the user to modify the control-flow of a program. Some are considered “local” control-flow, meaning they only affect the current scope. Others are considered “non-local” control-flow, meaning they can affect the entire program. Today we will be looking at local control-flow.



The and and && operators are used to combine two expressions. The left-hand side expression is evaluated first. If it is truthy, the right-hand side expression is evaluated and returned. If it is falsy, the left-hand side expression is returned. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

foo and bar
foo && bar

Note that once these expressions have been parsed, there is no difference between them in the semantics of the code. They are equivalent, and are therefore represented by the same node in the tree. Here’s what the AST looks like for 1 and 2:

and node

You may wonder about the difference between the operators given that they are equivalent semantically. This is the first instance of this series where we’re going to mention a new concept: operator precedence. Operator precedence refers to the manner in which expressions are grouped together. You can think of it loosely as “where would I insert parentheses to make this expression disambiguous?”. For example:

1 + 2 * 3

In the above example you would insert parentheses around the 2 * 3 because the * operator has a higher precedence than the + operator. This means that the * operator will be evaluated first, and the result will be passed to the + operator. All operators/expressions in Ruby have a precedence (and associativity, a topic for another time).

In this case, the && operator has a significantly higher precedence than the and operator, meaning it more tightly groups its surrounding expressions. If you want to learn even more about operator precedence, prism contributor Hiroya Fujinami has recently written a great blog post about it and a corresponding RPrec library.


The or and || operators can be used to combine two expressions. The left-hand side expression is evaluated first. If it is truthy, the left-hand side expression is returned. If it is falsy, the right-hand side expression is evaluated and returned. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

foo or bar
foo || bar

As with the AndNode expressions, once they have been parsed the above two expressions are semantically equivalent. Here’s what the AST looks like for 1 or 2:

or node

Again, operator precedence is the only difference between the two operators. As with the && and and operators, the || operator has a much higher precedence than the or operator.


Ruby has three different syntactic loops that can be used: while, until, and for. Each of these loops has a corresponding node in the AST.


The while keyword creates a loop that will continue to execute as long as the given expression is truthy. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

while foo

while foo do bar end

bar while foo

Note that all three of these examples are semantically equivalent, and therefore are represented with the same WhileNode node. The structure of the grammar for a while loop dictates that there must be a terminator after the predicate (the value to be compared) of the loop. That terminator can be a semicolon, a newline, or the do keyword. You’ll see as we progress through the series that most syntactic constructs in Ruby have an optional keyword terminator in this position. This comes from some history that Ruby was originally designed in part to be a replacement for Perl and AWK on the command line. You wouldn’t want to terminate expressions with newlines because it was less convenient when writing single-line scripts.

Here’s what the AST looks like for while 1 do 2 end:

while node

You may notice that the WhileNode node has a slot for flags. This is to allow for the possibility of marking it as a begin_modifier? loop. This is a special construct in Ruby that allows you to do what other languages typically represent as a do ... while loop. Here’s an example:

end while bar

This will execute the body of the loop once before checking the predicate. If the predicate is truthy, the loop will continue to execute. If it is falsy, the loop will terminate. We need the flag on the node to differentiate it from:

while bar

Here’s what the AST looks like for begin 1 end while 2:

while node begin modifier


The until keyword is the opposite of the while keyword, i.e., it executes a loop as long as the given expression is falsy. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

until foo

until foo do bar end

bar until foo

As with the while keyword, all three of the above expressions are equivalent. Here’s what the AST looks like for until 1 do 2 end:

until node

The until keyword can also be used as the modifier on a begin block. Here’s an example:

end until bar

As with while, this will execute the body of the loop once before checking the predicate. If the predicate is falsy, the loop will continue to execute. If it is truthy, the loop will terminate. Here’s what the AST looks like for begin 1 end until 2:

until node begin modifier


The for keyword in Ruby can be used to construct a for loop. These loops effectively break down to calling .each on the collection expression, with the index expression being used as the block parameter(s). There are a couple of small nuances however. First, here are some examples of it in Ruby code:

for i in 1..10
  puts i

for j in k do l end

This code is almost equivalent to (1..10).each { |i| puts i } except that for the for loop the iteration variable (i in the first case) is added to the current scope (as opposed to a block where it would be added to the block scope). This means that the for loop can be used to mutate variables in the current scope, and also introduce variables to the current scope. For example, if you were to access the i local variable after the loop, it would have the value of 10.

As with while and until, there is the single-line version available via the do keyword. This is the required terminator, which can also be a newline or semicolon. Here’s what the AST looks like for for i in 1..10 do puts i end:

for node

There’s a lot going on here, but most of it involves concepts we’re already familiar with. The two we aren’t are the LocalVariableTargetNode and the CallNode. I’ll ask you to, for now, pretend you haven’t seen them. Rest assured, we’ll be coming back to these soon.


Where loops iterate until a certain condition is met, conditionals execute a certain branch only once based on a condition. Ruby has a few different conditional constructs, and we’ll be looking at each of them in turn.


The if keyword can be used to construct a conditional. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

if foo

if foo then bar end

bar if foo

As with the loops, all three of these examples are semantically equivalent. First, the predicate will be checked. If it is truthy, the body of the conditional will be executed. If it is falsy, the body of the conditional will be skipped.

Also as with loops, the predicate must be followed by a terminator. For conditionals, that means the then keyword, a semicolon, or a newline. Here’s what the AST looks like for if 1 then 2 end:

if node

The if keyword can also be used as the modifier to a pattern matching expression on an in clause. We’ll cover that functionality when we get to pattern matching, but for now here’s an example:

case foo
in 1 if bar


The unless keyword is the opposite of the if keyword, i.e., it executes a conditional if the given expression is falsy. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

unless foo

unless foo then bar end

bar unless foo

All of these examples are semantically equivalent. Here’s what the AST looks like for unless 1 then 2 end:

unless node

The unless keyword can also be used in pattern matching. Again, we’ll just show the code here and revisit it when we get to pattern matching. Here’s an example:

case foo
in 1 unless bar


The else keyword can be used as an alternative branch for the if and unless keywords. Here are some examples in Ruby code:

if foo

if foo then bar else baz end

unless foo

unless foo then bar else baz end

In the examples we saw before, statements were entirely skipped if conditions weren’t met. In these examples the statements within the else clause are executed instead. Here’s what the AST looks like for if 1 then 2 else 3 end:

else node

Note that the else keyword also shows up in case statements and begin statements. We’ll cover those in their respective sections and posts. For now, here are some examples:

# case-when statements
case foo
when bar

# case-in statements
case foo
in bar

# begin statements


As we’ve seen with the else keyword, conditionals can be chained together. The unless keyword only supports a single else clause as the consequent clause, but the if keyword supports an arbitrary number of elsif clauses. Here’s an example:

if foo
elsif bar
elsif baz

Here’s what the AST looks like for if 1 then 2 elsif 3 then 4 else 5 end:

elsif node

You’ll notice that the elsif keyword is represented using the IfNode node. This is because they are semantically equivalent: check the predicate and either execute the statements or skip them. In designing this part of the AST, we had to determine if we wanted a linked list (like you see above) or if wanted a flat list of conditions to check. Ultimately we decided to go with the linked list because it’s rare that you would find a conditional with more than a few elsif clauses. Usually they end up being replaced with a case statement instead, which is what we’ll look at next.


There is one more conditional construct that we haven’t looked at yet: the ternary expression. This is a special way of constructing if/else conditionals that can be used in a single expression. Here’s an example:

foo ? bar : baz

This is semantically equivalent to:

if foo

This is another example of syntax sugar. You can already express this code using the keywords, but the ternary is a more terse form. Here’s what the AST looks like for 1 ? 2 : 3:

ternary node

You’ll notice that it only contains constructs we’ve already seen. The tree maintains enough information that consumers can determine if it’s a ternary however: the then_keyword_loc points to the ? token and the else_keyword_loc points to the : token. Furthermore the if_keyword_loc is nil.


The case keyword can be used to construct three different things: a set of comparisons against a single value (the most common), an elsif chain like the one we saw above (less common), or a pattern matching expression. We’ll look at the first two here, and the third when we get to pattern matching. Here’s the first example in Ruby code:

case foo
when bar
when baz

This statement is semantically equivalent to a series of if statements that all compare against the single value. It would look something like:

tmp = foo

if bar === tmp
elsif baz === tmp

Note that the conditions all break down to #=== method calls, meaning you can define your own custom logic for how the comparisons are made. Here’s what the AST looks like for case 1 when 2 then 3 when 4 then 5 else 6 end:

case node

You can see from the diagram above that we went with a flat list for the when clauses. We did this because it’s significantly easier to process than a linked list, and it’s fairly common to have a lot of them on a single case statement. The else clause is optional, and only gets executed if none of the other conditions match.

The second example of a case statement is when the predicate is dropped. This is the equivalent of an elsif chain. Here’s an example:

when foo
when bar

This is semantically equivalent to:

if foo
elsif bar

Here’s what the AST looks like for case when 1 then 2 when 3 then 4 else 5 end:

case node without value

Notice that the CaseNode has no slot for the predicate in the diagram above. This represents the difference between the two forms. The design of this type of case statement is definitely a tradeoff. We could have gone with a different node; the semantics of the two forms are different enough to warrant it. CRuby represents them as different nodes, the parser gem doesn’t. As with the other tradeoffs we’ve discussed, it makes it easier on some consumers (in this case linters/formatters) and more difficult on others (in this case interpreters/compilers). We may change this in the future, depending on how we see the community using the AST.


The when keyword is part of the case statement AST, as we just saw. It can be slightly more complicated however. First, here are some more examples that show some of the additional complexity:

case foo
when bar, baz
when *qux
when -> (value) { quux?(value) }
when quuz... then

In general the when clause accepts a comma-separated list of expressions that resolve to objects that should respond to the #=== method. Each , delimits another expression. In the example above, here are the things we want to point out, in order:

  1. The bar and baz expressions are separated by a comma. This means that the when clause will match if either of them match the predicate. Both will be checked, sequentially.
  2. The *qux expression is a splat expression. This means that the when clause will match if any of the elements in the qux array match the predicate. Each element will be checked, sequentially.
  3. The -> (value) { quux?(value) } expression is a lambda expression. This means that the when clause will match if the lambda returns a truthy value when called with the predicate. This works because Proc responds to #=== by calling itself with the argument.
  4. The quuz... expression is a range expression. This means the range object will have #=== called on it, which will check for inclusion. The then keyword after is optional for most when clauses, but necessary in this case to delimit the statements of the when clause from the range itself.


The last control-flow construct we’re going to look at today is the flip-flop operator. This is a special operator that allows you to create a conditional that is only true between two expressions within the predicate of a conditional. Here’s an example in Ruby code:

(1..10).each do |i|
  if i == 5 ... i == 8
    puts i

The above code will output 5\n6\n7\n8\n. It uses a hidden state variable to store the current state of the flip-flop. The state is set to true the first time the left-hand expression is evaluated to a truthy value and turned off the first time the right-hand expression is evaluated to a truthy value. Here’s what the AST looks like for 1 if 2 ... 3:

flip flop node

Note that either the .. or ... operators can be used, which mirror the exclusive and inclusive range operators. This is indicated by the exclude_end flag.

Within an if or unless predicate are the more obvious places a flip-flop can show up, but there are a couple of eccentricities that allow it in other places as well. First, it can be nested within and AndNode/OrNode within the predicate, as in:

if foo && bar ... baz

This can nest infinitely, and even allow for more than one flip-flop in the same predicate. The second eccentricity is that it can be used as the expression passed to the not keyword, as in:

not foo .. bar

This breaks down to calling the ! method on the result of the flip-flop expression, which is always either true or false. This can lead to horrible code if you combine it with monkey-patching TrueClass, but I’ll leave that as a thought experiment for you.


Initially, we used a RangeNode to represent flip-flop expressions, with an additional flag to say “this is a flip-flop”. Syntactically, they are identical, so it made a certain amount of sense. For a consumer like a linter or formatter, it might end up being easier to reason about since there would be fewer nodes. However, this was enough of a headache for interpreters and compilers that we ended up splitting the node in this way. This holds to our code design principle of not needing to check fields/child nodes to determine how to compile the current node.

Wrapping up

Whew, we made it. That was a lot of nodes. Understanding control-flow is important to get a good mental model of how Ruby is going to execute your code. It’s also important to understand how the AST represents it so that you can write tools that work with it. Here are a couple of things to think about:

Next time, we’ll close out our discussion of writing to variable by talking about a family of nodes that we call “target” nodes.

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