Advent of Prism: Part 14 - Calls (part 2)

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about call nodes.

Yesterday we looked at the general form of call nodes. Today we’ll look at some of the more complex ones, as well as the super keyword. Let’s get started.

Call operator writes

Way back in Part 5 - Operator writes, we saw how you can use operator writes as a more terse way of writing to a variable through a method call. This works when the left-hand side of the operator is itself a method call as well. Let’s take a look.


When a method call is on the left-hand side of an operator write token, we create a CallOperatorWriteNode. We split this node up because it actually implies two method calls instead of one! We wanted consumers to have to explicitly handle this split because you could easily accidentally miss that another method was being called. Here’s an example: += 1

Semantically, this is almost equivalent to:

tmp = foo

Ruby will cache the owner of the bar and bar= methods so that that code will only be run once. As you can see, both bar and bar= are being called on the same object (in this case the receiver field of the CallOperatorWriteNode). Here is what the AST looks like for += 1:

call operator write node

That’s a lot of fields! In fact, these nodes have more fields than almost any other in the tree (excepting method definitions). Let’s go through them one by one.


Similar to CallOperatorWriteNode, we also have an IndexOperatorWriteNode for when the called method is using the [] syntax. Here’s an example:

foo[:bar] += 1

Semantically, this is almost equivalent to:

tmp = foo

Here is what the AST looks like for foo[:bar] += 1:

index operator write node

The fields are largely the same, with the addition of locations for the brackets and an arguments node for whatever is inside the brackets. We also have the potential of a block on these nodes being passed with the & operator within the brackets, as in:

foo[&bar] += 1

The AST for that looks like:

index operator write node

Finally, it’s possible to omit arguments entirely because the [] method is not required to have any specific number of arguments. That would look like:

foo[] += 1

The AST for that looks like:

index operator write node

Note that IndexOperatorWriteNode does not have read_name or write_name fields because it is constant; they are always [] and []=, respectively.

super keyword

The super keyword in Ruby allows you to call a method that matches the name of the current method on a module higher in the ancestor chain. For example, if you have a class Foo that inherits from Bar, and both have a method baz, you can call super from Foo#baz to call Bar#baz.


When super is used without any explicit arguments or parentheses (with or without a block), it will “forward” all of the arguments to the current method to the parent method. For example:

class Parent
  def test(value) = value * 2

class Child < Parent
  def test(value) = super
end # => 4

This can get somewhat complex if you modify the values before they are passed, but it is allowed. For example:

class Parent
  def test(value) = value * 2

class Child < Parent
  def test(value)
    value *= 2
end # => 8

You can also pass a block to super like this and it will still forward arguments, as in:

class Parent
  def test(value) = yield value

class Child < Parent
  def test(value) = super { |v| v * 2 }
end # => 4

We represent this syntax with a ForwardingSuperNode. Here’s what the AST looks like for super {}:

forwarding super node

You’ll notice the only field holds a reference to the optional block node.


When parentheses or explicit arguments are used with super, we create a SuperNode. Here’s an example:

class Parent
  def test(value) = value * 2

class Child < Parent
  def test(value) = super(value * 2)
end # => 8

The AST for super(value) looks like:

super node

Note that SuperNode can also have a block in the same way as ForwardingSuperNode.

Call targeting

Back in Part 8 - Target writes we showed how you could implicitly write to a variable through various syntax that determined the value at runtime. You can do the same thing with method calls. Let’s see how.


In part 8, we saw that some syntax (for loops, rescue clauses, and multiple assignment) allowed us to implicitly write to variables. You can do the same with method calls:, = baz

In this case we are implicitly calling the bar= method with the first value that will be spread from the right-hand side of the = operator. We represent this with a CallTargetNode. Here’s what the AST looks like for the above snippet:

call target node

These fields are mostly familiar to us. Notably we do not have a field for arguments or a block because that cannot be expressed with this syntax.


As with all of the other dualities involving [] syntax, there is also a way to target index calls. Here’s an example:

foo[:bar], = baz

In this case we are implicitly calling the []= method with whatever values we put within the brackets and the first value that will be spread from the right-hand side of the = operator. We represent this with a IndexTargetNode. Here’s what the AST looks like for the above snippet:

index target node

For these we have to have a list of arguments, as well as a potential field for a block through the & operator.

Wrapping up

You can make method calls through operator writes, the super keyword, and call targeting. These are not especially common in Ruby, so the semantics can surprise people. Here are a couple of things to remember:

Tomorrow we’ll take a break from the calls themselves and look at how various arguments are handled.

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