Advent of Prism: Part 17 - Scopes

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about nodes that introduce a new scope.

“Scope” is a term that gets somewhat abused in programming languages. It can mean quite a lot of things. Our definition for today refers to local variables. For today’s post when we say “scope” we mean a new set of local variables. Let’s have a look at the nodes that introduce new scopes.


When you define a method using the def keyword, we represent it with a DefNode. Here’s an example:

def foo

This code is represented by the following AST:

def node

There are a lot of fields on these nodes (more than any other in the AST!). The important ones here are:

Explicit receiver

In the first example, the implicit owner of this new method is the current value of self. That can be made explicit, however, with an expression that ends in a . or ::. Here’s an example:


In this case the owner will be the singleton class of the current value of self. It does not need to be limited to the self keyword, though. It can be almost any Ruby expression (especially when wrapped in parentheses), as in:

end # => 1

The AST for the first explicit receiver example looks like:

def node

Here we get even more fields, but the important one is receiver which points to the expression on which the method should be defined.

Other parses have split this node up into two different nodes: one with an implicit receiver and one with an explicit receiver. We felt like this could be annoying for consuming tools because processing all method definitions is a very common task. We wanted them to be able to do it in one place.


The def keyword can also be used to define a method on a single line. Here’s an example:

def foo = 1

In this case the body of the method is the expression that follows the = sign. This is semantically equivalent to the following:

def foo

In terms of the parser there are some eccentricities. For example based on the existing precedence, def foo = bar rescue baz would normally be parsed as (def foo = bar) rescue baz, but there is a different path through the parser that allows def foo = bar rescue baz to be parsed as def foo = (bar rescue baz). There is also a current debate on allowing and/or to be used in these kinds of methods as well.

The AST for this example looks like:

def node

You’ll notice that none of our examples today have any parameters on the methods. That’s because the subject of tomorrow’s post is parameters. We’ll come back to them.


We haven’t gotten to rescues yet, but it’s important that we mention them here because you can use them in the body of a method definition. Here’s an example:

def foo

This code says to execute the bar method call, rescue any errors that inherit from StandardError, and then return 1 in the case an error was thrown. These rescue clauses can be chained together, and they can be combined with else and ensure clauses. We’ll see more of this when we get to the post on rescues. The important piece of this to note for today is that in the event that some of these clauses are present, the body field will be replaced by a BeginNode instead of a StatementsNode. As an illustration, the AST for the above example is:

def node


Classes that are defined with the class keyword are represented by a ClassNode. Here’s an example:

class Foo

This code is represented by the following AST:

class node

This simplistic class has the following important fields:

Classes can also have superclasses and a body. Here’s an example:

class Foo < Bar

This is represented by the following AST:

class node

It’s important to note two things from this example. First, Bar does not need to be a constant or constant path. It can be the result of any method call that you want. For example:

superclass = Object
class Foo < superclass

This works just fine, and in fact is equivalent to the first example in this post. The second thing to note is that any code can be placed inside of Foo, not just method definitions or method calls. In our example we have a single 1 as the body of the class. That actually changes the return value of the entire class .. end expression to be 1.

As with method definitions, classes can also have rescue clauses. That would look like:

class Foo

We’ll cover this more when we get to rescues.

The last piece of this to note is that classes can be defined on a constant path and not just a constant. For example:

class Foo::Bar::Baz

This will look up the Foo::Bar constant path, define a class, and then assign that class to the Baz constant on that namespace. The AST for this example looks like:

class node


Modules that are defined using the module keyword are represented by a ModuleNode. Here’s an example:

module Foo

The AST for this example looks like:

module node

Parsing these expressions is effectively a simpler form of parsing classes. The also have a constant path, a local table, and a body. They can also be combined with rescue clauses in the same way. As with classes, they can have any expressions in their body, not just method definitions or method calls.


The final scope that we’re going to talk about today are singleton class expressions. These expressions allow you to execute code within the singleton class of an object. For example:

class << self

This code is represented by the following AST:

singleton class node

These nodes have a pointer to the expression that is used to find the singleton class, a pointer to the body of expressions that should be executed within the singleton class, and a local table. As with classes and modules, the body can be any expression, not just method definitions or method calls. Also as with classes and modules, they can be combined with rescue clauses.

It’s important to remember that self is not the only singleton class you can enter into. For example, let’s say you wanted to define a method on Object:

class << Object
  def foo

Now if you wanted to remove that method, you could:

class << Object
  undef foo

Entering into a singleton class of an object can be very powerful, especially when combined with metaprogramming.

Wrapping up

As you can imagine, these four nodes are very common in Ruby code, so it’s important to understand their semantics. Here are some things to remember from today’s post:

After discussing method definitions today, tomorrow we’ll be rounding out method definitions by looking at method parameters.

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