Advent of Prism: Part 21 - Throws and jumps

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about throws and jumps.

The terms “throw” and “jump” have more to do with the actual execution of Ruby than the parse tree, but they neatly categorize the nodes that we’re going to look at today.


“Throw” refers to throwing an exception. CRuby implements many of these using setjmp/longjmp, which are context-saving functions that allow you to break the execution flow of your C program much like you would with exceptions in Ruby. Ruby provides a couple of syntactic structures for handling these kinds of non-local control flow.


The parent node of any kind of exception handling is the BeginNode node. This node houses an optional set of statements as well as any number of rescue clauses, an optional ensure clause, and an optional else clause. Here is an example:


This is represented by the following AST:

begin node

You can see the node has a statements field that is the optional StatementsNode holding the statements that should be executed. It also has a pointer to a rescue node that is the first rescue clause. If there are more rescue clauses, they are linked together in a linked list. The ensure and else clauses are not present in this example so you don’t see their fields.

Remember from our previous posts that this node is also used to represent rescue/else/ensure clauses being used in other contexts: class and module definitions, singleton class definitions, method definitions, and blocks and lambdas that use do/end.


When the rescue keyword is used as another clause in a begin statement, we represent it with the RescueNode node. This node has a list of exceptions to rescue, an optional variable to assign the exception to, an optional set of statements, and an optional consequent rescue clause. Here is an example that showcases all of that:

rescue Exception1 => error
  warn error.message
rescue Exception2, Exception3 => @error
rescue *exception_list
  warn "unknown error"

The actual flow of this program works like this:

  1. foo is called.
  2. If foo raises an error, Ruby walks through the rescue clauses in order.
  3. In the first rescue clause, the Exception1 constant is looked up. If it does not contain a class or module, a TypeError is raised. If it does, then it checks if it is in the ancestor chain of the exception that was raised. If it is, then the exception is assigned to the error local variable and the statements in the clause are executed. If it is not, then the error is reraised to trigger checking the subsequent clause.
  4. In the second rescue clause, both the Exception2 and Exception3 variables are checked in the same manner. If either of them are in the ancestor chain of the exception that was raised, then the exception is assigned to the @error instance variable. Because there are no statements in this clause, nothing else happens. If neither of them are in the ancestor chain, then the error is reraised to trigger checking the subsequent clause.
  5. In the third rescue clause, exception_list has #to_a called on it and then Ruby iterates over each element in the resulting array to check for classes or modules in the same as the other exceptions. If any of them are in the ancestor chain, the code jumps out of the begin node. Otherwise the error is reraised to trigger checking the subsequent clause.
  6. In the last rescue clause the error is implicitly checked against StandardError. If it is in the ancestor chain, then the body of the clause is executed. Otherwise the error is reraised.

A couple of important things to note here in terms of syntax:

Let’s look at a slightly simpler example to see how this is represented in the AST:

rescue Error1 => error
rescue Error2

This is represented by the following AST:

rescue node

Notice that the RescueNode nodes form a linked list, much like the if statements that we covered back in Part 7 - Control-flow. As we discussed back then, the two options we have for representing these kinds of nodes is a linked list or a flat list. We went with a linked list in this case because it’s not that common that you have more than a couple of rescue clauses, and it’s simpler to implement this way.


When the rescue keyword is used as a modifier to an expression, we represent it with the RescueModifierNode node. Here’s an example:

foo rescue "error!"

This is semantically equivalent to:

rescue StandardError

The example is represented by the following AST:

rescue modifier node

This relatively simple node is deceptively complex to parse, but easy to understand and compile. The rescue keyword actually breaks operator precedence rules and is allowed to be used as the modifier to any assignment expression. This means that you can do things like:

foo = bar rescue baz

and instead of being parsed as (foo = bar) rescue baz, it is parsed as foo = (bar rescue baz). This special path through the parser makes things complex, but tends to better match programmers intuition.


The ensure keyword is an optional clause on the begin statement that is always executed, even if an exception is raised. We represent it with the EnsureNode. Here is an example:


This is represented by the following AST:

ensure node

Effectively this node is just a wrapper around a set of statements. It is far more complicated to implement than to parse.


The last throw is the return keyword. In normal execution, the return keyword can be implemented using a leave instruction, however you can also return from within blocks. In this case the virtual machine must jump all of the way out to the method, which is why this is a throw. First, here is an example:

def foo
  [1, 2, 3].each do |i|
    return i if i == 2

This is a little contrived, but it demonstrates the point. This code will call the #each method on the array literal, and when the iteration variable i is equal to 2, it will return i from the method. This whole example is represented by the following AST:

return node

You can see the ReturnNode in the bottom right of the diagram there. It has an optional set of arguments, which are the values to return from the method. If there are multiple values, they are grouped together into an array.


“Jump” refers to jumping around the instructions in a program. You can think of them effectively as goto statements. Ruby provides many keywords for jumping around, and they all have their own nodes in the parse tree. Let’s look at them one by one.


The break keyword jumps out of the current block. It can optionally accept a value to return from the block as here. Here is an example:

while true
  break 1

This is represented by the following AST:

break node

The code above says to immediately break out of the loop and return 1. Any number of arguments can be passed to break — they end up being grouped together into an array if there are multiple. A common misconception is that break accepts parentheses; in reality if you use parentheses you’re actually just grouping together the first argument.


The next keyword jumps to the end of the current block, but not out of it. Like break, it can optionally accept any number of values to return from the block. Here is an example:

while true
  next 1

This is represented by the following AST:

next node

The code above says to immediately jump to the end of the loop and return 1. This will actually loop indefinitely because the next keyword just keeps getting executed. Like break, next accepts any number of arguments, which are grouped together into an array if there are multiple.


The redo keyword is effectively the opposite of the next keyword: it jumps back to the start of the current block. It does not accept any arguments. Here is an example:

while true

This will, of course, loop indefinitely. Parsing this is very simple; you only parse the keyword. The node itself is therefore relatively simple as well. Here is the AST for the above snippet:

redo node


The retry keyword is used to jump out of a rescue clause and back to the begin block. It does not accept any arguments. Here is an example:


This retry will get triggered if foo raises an exception. It will then jump back to the begin block and try again. This is represented by the following AST:

retry node


Using the yield keyword, you can trigger the execution of a block that was passed to the current method. It can optionally accept any number of arguments to pass to the block. Here is an example:

def foo
  yield 1

This is represented by the following AST:

yield node

Parsing the yield construct is much the same as the other keywords we’ve looked at so far. It also accepts a list of arguments that are comma-delimited.

Wrapping up

Throws and jumps allow you to issue non-local control flow within your program. They are very powerful constructs, and understanding their semantics will help you get a better picture of what Ruby is doing under the hood. Here are a couple of things to remember from today:

We’re almost at the end here! Tomorrow we’ll be looking at the first of two posts on pattern matching. See you then!

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