Advent of Prism: Part 22 - Pattern matching (part 1)

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about pattern matching.

Pattern matching was introduced in Ruby 2.7 as a way to match against a value and extract parts of it. It’s a very powerful feature that effectively allows you to replace syntactically complicated if/case statements with a more terse syntax. (To be clear: the syntax is less complicated in pattern matching but the semantics — if anything — are more complicated.)

The pattern matching grammar is a whole grammar unto itself. You can think of it as a mini-parser within the overall Ruby parser. Operators like |, ^, and => have different meaning, brackets and braces create different kinds of structures, and reads/writes are flipped from what you might expect. It’s a lot to take in, which is why pattern matching is split over two posts.

In this first part we’ll look at the nodes that trigger pattern matching, as well as introduce the basics of matching against individual values. We’ll also look at alternation and pinning. Tomorrow we’ll cover the more advanced concepts: destructuring and capturing. For now, let’s jump in.


There are three ways to trigger pattern matching: using a case ... in statement, using the binary in operator, or using the binary => operator. They each do different things, so we’ll look at each one in turn.


When a case keyword is used, the parser first checks to see if there is a value associated with it. (Remember from Part 7 - Control-flow that case can optionally replace if/elsif chains by omitting the value.) If there is a value, then the parser parses it and then checks the subsequent keyword. If the keyword is when then a CaseNode is created and parsed. If the keyword is in then a CaseMatchNode is created and parsed. Here’s an example:

case foo
in Integer
  puts "foo is an integer"

The above code will call the foo method and then check if the return value is an Integer using Integer::=== (just like case ... when statements). If it is, then the puts statement will be executed. If it isn’t the subsequent clause will be checked. In this case because there are no more, it will raise a NoMatchingPatternError. The AST for the above code looks like this:

case match node

You can see that the structure is very similar to a CaseNode. Initially we had it as the same node, but decided to split considering it has such significantly different semantics.

The CaseMatchNode contains a pointer to the value to match against as well as a flat list of clauses to check. Each clause is or contains an InNode node. It also contains an optional else clause, which is an ElseNode node. That looks like:

case foo
in Integer
  puts "foo is an integer"
  puts "foo is something else"

That AST looks like:

case match node

The else clause allows you to specify a default behavior, meaning a NoMatchingPatternError will not be raised. Note that this can initially be surprising for developers who are familiar with case ... when statements because this error raising behavior is specific to pattern matching.


Every clause in a CaseMatchNode is or contains an InNode. It contains a pointer to the singular pattern to match against and the statements to execute if the pattern matches. For example:

case foo
in Integer
  puts "foo is an integer"

Importantly, in differs from when in that the pattern is singular and not a comma-separated list. Further evidence that the pattern matching grammar differs somewhat significantly from the Ruby grammar. The AST for this example is a part of the CaseMatchNode AST above.


It is possible to add guard clauses to in clauses. These are conditions that will also be checked in addition to the pattern, after the pattern has run. They can begin with either an if or unless keyword. For example:

case foo
in Integer if foo > 10
  puts "foo is an integer greater than 10"
in Integer if foo > 5
  puts "foo is an integer greater than 5"
  puts "foo is something else"

These guards can be extremely powerful because you can reference values that you matched against. Fortunately for us, we already have a node that represents this kind of behavior: IfNode. In this case we reuse it. Here is the AST for this example (with the bodies of the InNode clauses stripped out):

if guard


The in keyword can be also used as a binary operator. We call this a “match predicate” because it always returns true or false. Here is an example:

foo in Integer

This will call the Integer::=== method with the return value of the foo method call and return true or false depending on whether the value matches. Importantly, no error will be raised regardless of the outcome. The AST for this example looks like:

match predicate node

This is another case of a relatively simple AST that represents a relatively complicated semantic. Under the hood the entire pattern on the right-hand side is compiled into a set of requirements that are then checked against the value on the left-hand side.


The => operator is reused from hashes and rescues as a binary operator to match “match required”. Here is an example:

foo => Integer

This is similar to the in operator, but it will raise a NoMatchingPatternError if the value does not match. The AST for this example looks like:

match required node

Again, this is a relatively simple AST that hides some real complexity. Lots of developers are initially confused by the difference between in and => because of the inconsistency with the rest of the language. As we’ve seen, usually operator/keyword pairs do the same thing and just have different precedence like and/&&, or/||, not/!. In this case, however, it’s important to remember that this keyword and operator have very different semantics.


Now that we’ve looked at the nodes that hold patterns, let’s look at some of the patterns themselves. In general you can match against most literal objects (numbers, strings, ranges, regular expressions, etc.). In every case the #=== method will be called on the pattern with the value to match against (under the hood in CRuby the checkmatch instruction does exactly this). For example:

foo in 1
foo in 1.0
foo in 1..10
foo in "foo"
foo in :foo
foo in :"foo"
foo in /foo/
foo in Foo

Matching against a single value is useful, but sometimes you want to match against multiple values. We’ll look at that next.


When you want to match against multiple values, you can use the | operator. This operator is different from the normal Ruby | method call. Instead, it indicates that the pattern on the left-hand side or the pattern on the right-hand side should check for a match. You can think of it as semantically similar to the commas in a case ... when statement. For example:

foo in 1 | 2

This will match if foo is either 1 or 2. The AST for this example looks like:

alternation pattern node

Note that | can be chained, in which case the parser will form a linked list of AlternationPatternNode nodes. For example:

foo in 1 | 1.0 | 1r | 1i

The AST for this example looks like:

alternation pattern node


Matching against static values is nice, but it’s not nearly as powerful as matching against dynamic values. For example, let’s say you have some local variable that you want to match against the return value of a method. Let’s see how we can do that.


When you want to match against a variable value, you can use the ^ operator. This is called the “pin” operator, which “pins” the value within the pattern. For example:

bar = 5
foo in ^bar

This will call #=== on the value of the bar local variable to check if the return value of the foo method call matches. The AST for this example looks like:

pinned variable node

Note that you can pin any kind of variable, so this could also be instance, class, or global variables. For example:

foo in ^@bar
foo in ^@@bar
foo in ^$bar

In all cases, the PinnedVariableNode will be used, which has a single pointer to the variable being pinned. Note that this syntax is how you read variables in pattern matching: by prefixing them with the ^ operator. We’ll see in our post tomorrow how writing variables looks an awful lot like reading variables everywhere else in Ruby.


Beyond pinning variables, you can also pin expressions. This looks like:

foo in ^(bar)

This will call the bar method and use its value within the pattern (i.e., it will call #=== on the return value). The AST for this example looks like:

pinned expression node

Note that the parentheses are the only difference betwen PinnedVariableNode and PinnedExpressionNode in terms of syntax, though they have very different semantics. Note also that unlike everywhere else in Ruby, multiple statements are not allowed within the parentheses. So even though space is allowed between ^ and (, I encourage you to think of them as a single delimiter.

Wrapping up

Today we looked at the basics of pattern matching syntax. This includes all of the nodes that trigger pattern matching, as well as some of the more basic patterns. Here are some things to remember from today:

Tomorrow we’ll close out our discussion of pattern matching by looking at destructuring and capturing. See you then!

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