Advent of Prism: Part 24 - Error tolerance

This blog series is about how the prism Ruby parser works. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting from the beginning. This post is about error tolerance.

We have finally reached the end of our series. To date, we have covered 147 nodes in the prism syntax tree. As it turns out, this is 1 less than the total. The final node is MissingNode, which is the subject of today’s post. Before we get into that, however, we need to talk about error tolerance.

Error tolerance

Every example we have seen in this blog series so far has been a valid Ruby program. Parsing valid Ruby is actually not that difficult — it has been done correctly by many different tools over the years. Parsing invalid Ruby, however, is another challenge altogether.

Most of the time that code is being written, it is invalid. We are not talking about production code or code that has already been saved to disk (hopefully). We’re mostly talking about code that is in the middle of being edited. As you type, you introduce syntax errors until you get to the end of the current expression. Editors and linters want to be able to parse as you type, however. This means that they need to be able to parse invalid code.

Error tolerance is a field of study that involves parsing invalid code. It refers to the ability to the parser to “tolerate” syntax errors in the input and continue to parse the file to return a syntax tree. This is a difficult problem to solve, and ends up being a bit more art than science. However, there are some guardrails in place that we can talk about.

Let’s take, for example, the following code:

1 +

We know that this is invalid Ruby code, because the + operator is in the infix position and requires there to be an expression on the right-hand side. However, intuitively we know that this is a method call with a missing argument. We can translate that into our parser to allow it to “handle” this syntax error by determining if the token after the + operator could potentially begin an expression.

In this case it’s the newline token, so the subsequent token cannot begin an expression. When we encounter a situation like this, we can insert a MissingNode into the syntax tree. This node is a placeholder that represents the missing expression. It is a child of the + method call, and has no children or fields of its own. After inserting the missing node we log an error and then continue parsing as if nothing happened.

Here is what the AST looks like for 1 +:

missing node

We have weaved this kind of error tolerance into prism from the beginning. This has made it suitable for use in editors and linters, which is why it is the parse tree backing the ruby-lsp project. By providing a syntax tree regardless of errors, it means tools like RuboCop and Sorbet can still lint and type check the input file even if it is invalid. This means sections of the file can be cached so that they do not have to be re-parsed and re-processed when the file is edited. This would not be possible if the parser simply failed on the first instance of invalid input.

Ambiguous tokens

Another form of syntax error is ambiguous tokens. Consider, for example, the following code:

class Foo
  def bar

As a developer, most people would read this as a missing method name being sent to self inside the bar method. However, it is perfectly valid Ruby to have self.end be separated by newlines and whitespace. This means there is an ambiguity here between if the end is a method name or the keyword that closes the def block.

If the end is parsed as a method name, then the class statement will not be closed. In this case a syntax error will be raised. CRuby recently developed a solution for this: insert a missing end token and see if it “fixes” the problem. This turns out to be a common enough pattern that this solves a lot of the ambiguity problems in the parser.

Prism has not yet implemented this kind of recovery, but it is first on our list of tasks for next year. If and when CRuby adopts prism as its primary parser, we could not in good conscience do so without parity or improvements in error tolerance.

Wrapping up

There you have it, folks! After 24 days of posts, we have covered every piece of known Ruby syntax up to Ruby 3.3.0. Tomorrow this version of Ruby will be released, and I’m assuming shortly thereafter we will have more fun syntax coming down the pipe.

I wrote this series for a couple of reasons. I wanted to introduce you all to prism, so that you can use it if you want to build something on top of the Ruby syntax tree. I also wanted to introduce you all to all of the varieties of Ruby syntax that I have gotten to know through building prism. Finally, I wanted a snapshot in time of what Ruby looks like, so that I have something to point people to if they have questions in the future.

I have learned a lot about Ruby, AST/IR design, and parsing in this journey. I hope you have learned something too. Here are the main things I hope you take away from this series:

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

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